Think Higher Consultants

General Skilled Updates Migration From NSW & South Australia!

NSW state is shifting its focus from traditional occupation lists to prioritize key sectors like Health, Education, ICT, Infrastructure, and Agriculture for skilled migration.
South Australia’s 2023–24 General Skilled Migration (GSM) program is officially open.

Updates from New South Wales

NSW will focus on priority sectors rather than skilled occupation lists. The initiative is taken to tackle changing skill shortages within the state. Instead of relying on a list of eligible ANZSCO unit groups, NSW will now concentrate on priority sectors as the primary focus.
  • The identified target sectors will be: Health, Education, Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Infrastructure, and Agriculture.
  • Opportunity for All: While the focus is on key sectors, high-ranking EOIs from non-priority sectors may still be considered.
  • Invitation Rounds: Invitation rounds will continue throughout the year, prioritizing EOIs in key sectors.
  • Next Week: Invitation rounds for the Skilled Nominated visa (subclass 190) start next week.
  • Supporting Regional Development: NSW remains committed to regional development, assisting regional businesses in attracting skilled talent.

Updates From South Australia

South Australia has switched to a direct ROI system. The Regional South Australia Nomination Stream is no longer available. Applicants now need to work 30 hours per week in their nominated occupation for 6 months for a 491 visa and one year for a 190 visa.
  1. South Australia introduced a Registration of Interest (ROI) system. Applicants living and working in the state must submit an ROI for a state nomination invitation.
  2. The Regional South Australia Nomination stream is no longer available. Applications now need to work 30 hours per week in their nominated occupation for 6 months for a 491 visa and one year for a 190 Visa.
  3. Experienced overseas and onshore workers with 2+ years of experience in specific high-demand sectors in South Australia, such as Trades and Construction, Defence, Health, Education, Natural and Physical Sciences, and Social and Welfare Professions, will be eligible for the highly skilled and talented nomination pathway. They will receive invitations to apply for the South Australian nomination.
  4. South Australia is also seeking highly skilled overseas workers who can make a strong contribution to the state’s fast-growing industries and projects of national priority. This includes people with:
  • experience working in the defence industry, and/or
  • highly specialised skills in the digital and critical technologies sectors.
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